Timber News & Resources
Discover what we’re up to at WL West Timber, as well as useful information on different timbers, trends, products and services.
Why Build with Douglas Fir Wood?
Douglas Fir wood stands out as one of the most versatile and reliable building materials available today. Find out what makes it so special, from its remarkable characteristics to its practical applications and sustainability.
5 Benefits of Using Douglas Fir for Flooring
In 2023 we are going to start production of extra long and wide flooring using grown-in-Britain [GIB] douglas fir! In this blog we will take a look at the 5 benefits of using douglas fir for flooring.
5 Best Timbers for Sustainability and Environment
We are committed to helping sustainability initiatives wherever possible. However, there are some timbers which outperform others when it comes to sustainability, so we've rounded up the 5 best timbers for sustainability and environment.
Douglas Fir: Beneficial and Beautiful
Explore the uses, characteristics and origin of Douglas Fir.