Robinia Shakes

Robinia shakes are extremely strong and very durable. They resist rot and the weather like no other European timber species and their golden-brown colour develops a soft silver-grey patina over time.

Standard Robinia Shakes

Standard shakes are hand split, cleaned, random width, not bevelled at butt.

Shake lengths (mm) Approx. thickness (mm)
450 15-20
400 12-13


The type of wood, shake length, method of laying, weather exposure and desired covering density should be taken into consideration when making calculations.

Please note: shakes and shingles are supplied in random widths and the packs calculated for a given coverage. The shakes should be used ‘as they come’, packs should not be sorted for widths.

Roof – shakes should be laid 3-ply

Exterior façade/wall – shakes should be laid 2-ply to 3-ply

Interior wall – shakes can be laid 2-ply

Calculation Table for Coverage

Shake lengths (mm) 450 400
Popular lengths for roof (R)/wall (W) R/W R/W
Roof/Wall 3-ply ① (22° to 90°) Exposure in mm ④ 140 125
Linear metres per m² 7.14 8.0
Wall 2-ply ② (71° to 90°) Exposure in mm ④ 200 180
Linear metres per m² 5.0 5.56
  1. The exposure should not exceed ⅓ the length of the shake. Minimum roof pitch approx. 18-20° 

  2. The exposure should not exceed ½ the length of the shake

  3. LM – Linear Metre (100cm x shake length)

  4. EXP – Weather exposure (distance from the shingle bottom edge to the next above shake bottom edge)

Additional Information

All images on this page are credited to © Rapold GmbH

Do you require timber shakes for your next project?

We are a leading UK timber merchant & machinist, supplying trade, commercial & homeowners.

From providing high quality timber shakes and shingles to cladding and beams, we can help with your project needs. With over 155 years’ experience, timber is what we do. Get in touch with our Sales Team to get your timber shakes or shingles quote.